Selling New Tanks

Commercial 1000wg Skid propane tanks

Fischer Tanks manufactures new tanks in several sizes for residential and commercial installations.

Our chief focus has been the popular 500 and 1000 gallon tanks both aboveground and underground in standard and custom colors to further differentiate your propane company.

Commercial 1000wg Skid propane tanks

We continually receive thoughts and ideas from Customers and we integrate much of this in our innovative designs.

Customers appreciate the following features:

Welding propane tanks

never compromise

Much as our Refurbishing, our Manufacturing process is centered around the credo “Never Compromise Quality For Cost”, which enables us to offer one of the strongest warranties in the propane industry. Our grueling testing process is measured not in the hundreds but in the thousands of hours of abusive environmental testing.

Fischer uniquely utilizes UT Technology – bombarding thirty-two (32) shear waves sound energy through the weld at varying angles from both sides effectively providing a 3D image of the weld for the ultimate integrity and safety inspection.

Custom colors

Stand out from the competition and customize your tank color. Get in touch today for more information. (Minimum order quantity applies.)
We finish tanks in any color you would like. Beyond our standard colors, custom colors including metal flake finishes are available, many with no additional cost and low minimum order
Ask about durable, superdurable and Fischer's Proprietary SaltShield finishes - all finishes with thousands of hours of brutal environmental testing.

we deliver

We deliver to USA and Canada primarily with our own Factory Delivery Team. When others can’t deliver – just call Fischer Tanks.

transporting propane tanks Ship to usa and canada


for a quote on your next new tanks. We will work hard to earn your business, your trust and your friendship.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9